Reedy Engineering specializes in
consulting on ASME Codes and Standards issues, as well as other issues regarding
materials, welding, quality assurance, design, repair, replacement, modification,
and regulatory requirements. Our expertise is primarily in the area of application
of Codes and Standards for design, fabrication, welding, NDE, inspection,
and quality assurance. Most of our work involves use of the ASME Code, ANSI,
ASTM, and AISC Standards, and USNRC requirements. We support utilities in
Code applications by consulting with and training utility personnel rather
than adding people to your staff. We have experience in reviewing Section
XI ISI and Repair/Replacement Programs; we can provide support for your
work with a very limited number of man-hours of our time. We have been able to help reduce operating costs by helping our clients understand how Codes and Standards can be met without expensive, unnecessary actions. Most of our consulting is handled by telephone conversations and FAX transmittals or E-mails. We are almost always able to solve issues within a few hours and send a confirmation letter to our clients for their files. Many utilities use the confirmations as documentation for their decisions, and sometimes submit them to the Inspection Agencies or Regulatory Bodies. Our clients tell us that these letters are usually all that is required to resolve these issues. We can provide this consulting on either an hourly basis or with a Retainer Agreement, that provides inexpensive telephone consulting, while incorporating reduced fee billing rates for longer term assignments and unlimited use of our RA-search computer database of Code Interpretations and comments on Code Revisions, as well as annual revisions to our Code Reconciliation Report. Please let us know if you want any additional information on this service. One of the key elements in our work is our extensive ASME Code Library. This library is one of the most comprehensive in the world, in that it contains ASME Boiler and Pressure Code books that go back to 1914 Code. No other company has comments on all the changes to the Code from 1952 to the present. This extensive library has helped us solve many difficult issues regarding Code requirements.