Access Search Click Here to download free trial. RA-search is a Windows-based text retrieval program developed by Reedy Engineering that quickly provides information on all ASME Code Interpretations and Code Revisions. RA-search allows rapid access to information that usually takes hours when searching manually. The information in Code Revisions is written by Reedy Engineering experts and is unavailable from any other source. RA-search contains more than two times as much information about the ASME Boiler and Pressure Code than is available on any other database. RA-search is a search tool that is very valuable as a cost saving device. RA-search can be used to find the background for and explanations of Code revisions that should reduce product costs. History shows that about 400 changes are made to the Code each year. Most of the significant changes help reduce costs. RA-search is the only tool available that identifies and explains each of these changes. Just reading the Code Addenda to find the changes is a time-consuming task, but RA-search eliminates the need for that task and explains the details of each change. RA-search can also find the Code Interpretations that help prevent costly misunderstandings of ASME Code requirements. RA-search currently includes the following information bases:
Code Interpretations includes over 9500 ASME Code Interpretations, plus all revised Interpretations, starting with the first ones published in 1977. No ASME Code Interpretations were published prior to 1977. Included in this database are the following ASME Interpretations:
Code Interpretations provide a quick, easy way to find all published ASME Interpretations on any subject, using any word, phrase, or Code paragraphs contained or referenced in the Interpretation. In a matter of seconds, any Interpretation can be found and displayed in full text. Finding revisions or corrections to Interpretations is simplified, because all revisions to each Interpretation are displayed with the original Interpretation. It also includes all interpretations of the National Board Inspection Code published from 1987 to the present. RA-search contains more than 9500 Interpretations. When searching Code Interpretations, RA-search will find Code Revisions that are related to the Interpretation. This is important because the Code is often revised to clarify provisions that are questioned by Code users requesting interpretation of Code requirements. This aspect of RA-search is unique. Code Revisions provides rapid access to over 16,000 comments and descriptions of revisions to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is revised annually, and during that time, four Code Case Supplements are published. Each Addenda to the Code consists of thousands of pages of changes, ranging from simple editorial clarifications to complex technical changes with significant cost implications. The task of reviewing and understanding the significance of these changes is time consuming and costly. Code Revisions allows Code users to quickly understand the impact of each revision to the Code.. With RA-search, you can rapidly retrieve and review comments on any subject, Code Section, or paragraph in seconds. Each comment includes identification of all paragraphs modified. RA-search also contains comments on all Code Cases. When Code Cases are annulled, RA-search describes any actions taken to incorporate the provisions into the Code. Comments for Section III date back to the first Edition published in 1963, and for Sections I, II, and VIII to 1952. Also included is “History of the ASME Boiler Code” by Dr. Arthur M. Greene, Jr. This history identifies all significant changes in the Code from 1914 (the first publication of the ASME Code) to 1952. This database is very valuable as a training tool to be continually used to understand the ASME Codes. It also provides comments and descriptions of revisions to B31.1 from 1955, B31.3 from 1959, B31.7 Draft through 1969, B16.5 from 1968 and B16.34 from 1973. When performing searches, all databases are searched at the same time, so it is easy to find comments in Code Revisions that may be applicable to Interpretations, or vice versa. All of the information contained in RA-search makes it valuable as a
training tool for those unfamiliar with the ASME Code. RA-search can be
used to give historical background, Code philosophy,
and general explanations. The RA-search disc contains
criteria documents, guidelines, history, and articles and papers of interest
to new users of the Code. These documents can all be printed from
the RA-search disc if desired. Sample Search This is a sample search based on the desire to find Code information regarding the “joint efficiency” associated with a “proof test”, for Section VIII construction. The first search attempt is to find “efficiency” in the same paragraph as “test.” This is done by typing “efficiency,” clicking on the button “In the same paragraph as ...”, and then typing “test” as shown above. The last line on the “Menu-Assisted Query” shows the two terms being searched.
The result is 9 answer sets. However, only 2 are applicable to Section VIII. There are 17 hits in Section VIII Revision comments and 10 hits in Section VIII Interpretations. Section VIII Comment The first answer in Code Revisions identifies the 2004 change to the Section VIII, Division 1 Code. Note that the comment refers to a Section VIII Interpretation. Section VIII Interpretation This Section VIII Interpretation is the second Interpretation in the answer set. One search found both the Interpretation and the related change to the Code. It took less than one minute to perform this search. RA-search is the only ASME Code search program of its kind. RA-search Code Comments are written by the Code experts at Reedy Engineering. RA-search uses ISYS, a commercially available search program. Subscription Cost The cost of RA-search is $2500.00 annually. The database is furnished on a CD and if desired, RA-search can be placed on the company’s network. The number of users within any subscribing company is unlimited. Updated disks are furnished every six months within the year of the subscription at no extra cost. There is no comparable database available anywhere that has the scope and amount of background that is contained in RA-search.. Limited Subscriptions Limited subscriptions to RA-search are available for clients who are
only interested in the construction or modification of boilers and pressure
vessels and piping not associated with nuclear
power plant facilities. For these clients, the database will
include ASME Interpretations and Reedy Engineering’s expert comments
on changes to the ASME Code affecting Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII,
VIII, IX, X, and XII. Trial Disk A free trial CD with a small sample of the RA-search database can be obtained by contacting Reedy Engineering, Inc. Call Reedy Engineering at 408-558-0330 or contact us at . Click Here to download the trial.