The student will gain or enhance
his/her understanding of the following subjects: 1. Relationship between
regulatory and enforcement requirements and ASME Section XI.
- How NRC regulations mandate use of Section XI.
- What different alternatives the NRC regulations provide to Section
- How the NRC accepts or endorses different Editions and Addenda of
ASME Codes and Code Cases.
- How the scope of Section XI and classification of equipment are affected
by regulatory requirements.
2. Principles and background of inservice inspection.
- Determination of inspection intervals.
- Location of requirements in Section XI for periodic inspection.
- Basis for sample expansion and increased sampling frequency.
- The meaning of types, methods, and techniques of nondestructive examination.
3. Requirements for repair, replacement, and modification (RRM).
- Definitions of RRM terminology.
- Scope of IWA-4000.
- Applicability of NPS 1 exemption (or alternative requirements).
- Requirements for Repair/Replacement Program (and Plans).
- Need for Suitability Evaluations.
- How to procure replacement items, including reconciliation of later
Editions and Addenda of Construction Codes.
- What portions of the Construction Code are applicable to a repair/replacement
- What design requirements are applicable to modifications, evaluations,
and rerating.
- What requirements are applicable to defect removal and examination
of welds.
- When pressure testing is required.
4. Alternatives for evaluation of degraded items.
- Evaluation of wall thinning.
- Evaluation of water hammer.
- Evaluation of overpressurization.
- Use of weld overlays.
- Evaluation of leakage (Section XI and Technical Specification requirements).
5. Recent developments in Section XI and new Code Cases
- Recently-published Section XI Code Cases.
- Activities currently underway in Subcommittee XI.