Reconciliation of ANSI/ASME B16.5, B16.34, B31.1, B31.7, the Draft Code
for Pumps and Valves, and Sections III and VIII Requirements for Replacements
of Nuclear Power Plant Components
The Reedy Engineering Report reconciles the use of any later Editions
and Addenda of ANSI/ASME B16.5, B16.34, B31.1, B31.7, and Sections III
and VIII for replacement materials, parts, and components, including use
of later Code design rules. In addition, this report includes reconciliation
of earlier Editions and Addenda of material specifications. This permits
most materials to be used in any component in your plant without regard
for Code Edition and Addenda. Most nuclear utilities report that this
option permits a significant reduction in stock levels for many bulk or
generic materials. The basis for the report is a comprehensive review
of all Editions and Addenda of B16.5, B16.34, B31.1, B31.7, the Draft
Code for Pumps and Valves, and Sections III and VIII from 1955 through
the latest published Edition and Addenda.
ASME Section XI permits use of later Editions and Addenda of the Construction
Code (including B31.1, B31.7, and Section VIII) or Section III, when the
requirements for the replacement are reconciled with the Owner's Specification,
Stress Analysis Report, Design Report, or other suitable method that demonstrates
the adequacy of the replacement. Section III permits the use of earlier
Editions and Addenda for materials when the applicable requirements of
the later component Edition and Addenda are met.
These provisions for use of earlier or later Editions and Addenda are
often interpreted to require an extensive, detailed comparison of the
replacement documentation and the original Code, with the later Code and
the component Design Specification or other specifications, and the Design
Report or other stress analysis. Much of the effort currently being expended
to perform this type of comparison provides no additional assurance of
safety from a technical standpoint and is extremely time consuming and
nonproductive. Most of the cost and effort to do this work can be eliminated
based on the proposed report.
Our term "generic reconciliation" is intended to identify the
process of reconciling the changes to ANSI/ASME B16.5, B16.34, B31.1,
B31.7, the Draft Code for Pumps and Valves, and Section III and VIII Code
requirements as they relate to the plant design bases. Both ASME Sections
III and XI require that provisions of Code Editions and Addenda, other
than the one selected for the construction of a component, that are used
in repairing or replacing the component or its parts, must be reconciled
with the component Design Specification or Design Report (or Stress Report
or calculations, as applicable). Unless this reconciliation is performed
prior to the time of installation of the item in the plant, startup delays
may result.
Performing this reconciliation on a generic basis, for a broad range of
B16.5, B16.34, B31.1, B31.7, the Draft Code for Pumps and Valves, and
Section III and VIII Editions and Addenda, can significantly accelerate
the installation of all Code components, parts, and materials used in
the plant. The final report should reduce the number of problems arising
during receiving inspection review, because the reconciliation will be
accomplished within a few minutes, prior to ordering the items.
The materials included in the review will include all materials permitted
by ANSI/ASME B16.5 from 1968 to 1988, B16.34 from 1973 through 1988, B31.1
from 1955 through the latest published Edition and Addenda, B31.7 and the Draft Code for Pumps
and Valves from 1967 through 1970, Section VIII from 1959 to the latest
published Edition and Addenda, and Section III from 1963 to the latest
published Edition and Addenda. Later Editions
and Addenda can be easily reviewed in accordance with the methodology
of this program as they are published. Our reconciliation for valves identifies
how most replacement valves can be procured to the same ANSI Class as
the original. This means that for almost all valve replacements it is
not necessary to procure the higher ANSI Class due to changes in pressure-temperature
ratings. Replacement with the same ANSI Class means no weight increase
in the piping system, and no reanalysis is required. Costs are thus reduced
for procurement of the valve and eliminated for system reanalysis due
to the replacement.
The final report will include a defined philosophy and methodology, with
backup data to permit virtual elimination of post-procurement material
reconciliation. The document will provide a generic reconciliation of
all B16.5, B16.34, B31.1, B31.7, the Draft Code for Pumps and Valves,
and Section III, Division 1 and Section VIII, Division 1 Editions and
Addenda through the latest published Edition and Addenda. The report will identify material specifications
that have been deleted, as well as material specifications that have changes
that affect design requirements. The report will also identify the significant
technical changes in B31.1, B31.7, and Section III and VIII design requirements.
The final report of the evaluation will be certified by Roger F. Reedy
(P.E.) and will fully comply with ASME Code requirements.
The report will include reconciliation of all of the changes in pressure-temperature
ratings and minimum wall thickness requirements for flanges, flanged fittings,
and valves in B16.5 and B16.34. This reconciliation justifies use of the
original ANSI class for replacements purchased to all later Editions and
Addenda of B16.5 or B16.34, even when reductions in pressure-temperature
ratings, minimum wall thickness, or specified minimum strength of the
material have occurred in later Editions or Addenda. This eliminates the
need to purchase higher ANSI class replacement valves, thus eliminating
the need to perform re-analyses of the piping system required for the
added weight of the heavier valves. This can result in significant savings
of time and money.
The results of this program will also include recommendations for revisions
to your corporate replacement procurement program to virtually eliminate
the effort expended on reconciling replacements.
Contact Reedy Engineering for terms, conditions and schedule.
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